
Where inspiration meets imagination.

Category: Finance

  • Your Bad Financial Choices Affect Others

    Your Bad Financial Choices Affect Others

    The phrase “personal finances” can be very deceiving. Many people take it literally and feel personally attacked when others give them money advice. What you may not realize is, your financial choices, whether good or bad, affect more people than just you. Even if you’re a young single person with no kids, your personal choices…

  • 5 Credit Score Myths That Most People Believe

    5 Credit Score Myths That Most People Believe

    When I started my blog – to be quite honest with you – I wasn’t the most knowledgeable when it came to credit scores. Which I guess isn’t surprising, considering how confusing [and deceiving] the whole credit score rigmarole can be! Fortunately, I know quite a bit about them now. What follows are the top…

  • 10 Simple Hacks for Earning More Money With Less Work

    10 Simple Hacks for Earning More Money With Less Work

    As I’m coming up on the 2-year anniversary of quitting my job and taking the leap into entrepreneurship. It’s been quite a journey over the past couple of years, but I’ve discovered a lot. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is to be more thoughtful with my time, and to make life more productive and less busy…

  • Life Insurance: What to Consider as a Self-Employed Business Owner

    Life Insurance: What to Consider as a Self-Employed Business Owner

    As a self-employed freelancer you already know the importance of health insurance, and to look at it as investment in your future (and your family’s future). We no longer have the luxury of a boss who can help pay our premiums. We are responsible for protecting ourselves in case of emergencies and health issues. But what about…

  • How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    When I decided to become a full-time freelancer, I knew I had to be prepared for the unexpected. I knew I needed an emergency fund. I knew I would have a variable income. I knew it would be challenging but exhilarating all at the same time. Life is always throwing us curveballs and we have to…

  • How to Earn Five Figures a Year and Make Money Writing

    How to Earn Five Figures a Year and Make Money Writing

    Make money writing seems to be an all-too-common promise these days. But not all freelancers are writers, and not all small business owners are bloggers. Still, there’s no doubt that things like, building a blog and writing updates on social media, lead to more traffic and more sales. Whether you’re trying to build a client-based business,…