
Where inspiration meets imagination.

Category: Career

  • 10 Spectacular Things Happening in My Life and Biz Right Now

    10 Spectacular Things Happening in My Life and Biz Right Now

    As the end of one year approaches and the promise of a new one is right around the corner, I’ve been reflecting back on my first full year of being a self-employed business owner. During my Amplify Your Bank Account workshop (my first ever btw!), I shared a lot about my experiences with business depression, creating my…

  • Top 3 Mistakes I Made as a Freelancer

    Top 3 Mistakes I Made as a Freelancer

    Approaching freelancing from a backwards perspective can be absolutely daunting when first getting started. More often than not, I was standing in my own way. I kept comparing myself to others that had been in the game for months longer than myself. I kept downplaying the value I could provide, telling myself that I wasn’t good enough. It was hard…

  • My Backwards Approach to Becoming a Self-Employed Freelancer

    My Backwards Approach to Becoming a Self-Employed Freelancer

    An accidental entrepreneur: that’s an accurate description of myself, and the situation I was in earlier this year. I didn’t know what it meant to have a side hustle before I started blogging a little over a year ago. It sounds obvious, but I didn’t know anyone pursuing one. I didn’t know a thing about blogging, or the community…

  • 7 Ways to Get Back into the Work Groove After Time Off

    7 Ways to Get Back into the Work Groove After Time Off

    As a business owner it’s vital you take time off work to take care of YOU! That’s the only way you’ll succeed in this new world of work. But even for someone like me, who works really hard to achieve that balance, it can be difficult to get back into the routine of things after time…

  • How I Quit My Job and Became an Accidental Entrepreneur

    How I Quit My Job and Became an Accidental Entrepreneur

    I never thought I’d be an entrepreneur. I hardly knew what the word meant and didn’t think I had it in me. I thought that entrepreneurship was for other people, not me. Several years ago, I was working in the nonprofit sector in Los Angeles and running errands all around town. I would see hip, young…

  • What to Do Before Hiring Your First Assistant

    What to Do Before Hiring Your First Assistant

    Hiring your first assistant (or even employee) is an important milestone for any creative solopreneur. Up until now you’ve been the sole person doing all the work for your business — aside from the occasional contract work. And if you’re anything like me, you’re a control freak who likes to control every aspect of your business….

  • 2 Major Warning Signs Your New Freelance Client is Big Trouble

    2 Major Warning Signs Your New Freelance Client is Big Trouble

    There comes a time in every freelancer’s life when they get a really difficult client. Oh, come on. It’s not a secret. We all have them from time to time. In fact, I would go as far as to say, you haven’t really “made it” as a solopreneur unless you’ve lost sleep over an issue with a client….

  • How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    When I was just starting out as a freelancer I was actively looking for new writing and VA jobs to add to my portfolio. I sought out and read lots of blog posts and articles with tips about how and where to get new jobs. Most of what I read suggested using job boards, like…

  • How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    One of the most difficult aspects of starting your own business is figuring out pricing — heck this is even tough when you’re an established solopreneur looking to increase your rates. You want to get paid, but you also need some experience under your belt, so you may be willing to charge less than you…

  • 7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    Since I started freelancing on the side of my day job in the summer of 2017, I’ve been on a mission to educate newbie freelancers about how to stop using job boards as a means for building their client-based businesses. When you’re just starting out, or looking for more clients, it can be tempting to…