
Where inspiration meets imagination.

Category: Business

  • Why Building a Successful Business Requires Embracing Permanent Beta

    Why Building a Successful Business Requires Embracing Permanent Beta

    I’m a natural bookworm, but while balancing a full-time job and a fledgling digital business, simple things like reading too often fall by the wayside. So one of my New Year’s Resolutions was to get through at least one book a month. Setting little goals like this, along with much larger, more ambitious ones, helps me…

  • How to Protect Your Business With Solid Terms and Conditions

    How to Protect Your Business With Solid Terms and Conditions

    As a small business owner, it’s important that you’re protected when it comes to doing business online. You want to make sure that what you expect from your customers, and what your customers can expect from you, is clearly stated on your website. This is essential as marketing your business. This is where drafting solid terms and…

  • 2 Major Warning Signs Your New Freelance Client is Big Trouble

    2 Major Warning Signs Your New Freelance Client is Big Trouble

    There comes a time in every freelancer’s life when they get a really difficult client. Oh, come on. It’s not a secret. We all have them from time to time. In fact, I would go as far as to say, you haven’t really “made it” as a solopreneur unless you’ve lost sleep over an issue with a client….

  • 5 Signs it’s Time to Make the Switch From Employee to Freelancer

    5 Signs it’s Time to Make the Switch From Employee to Freelancer

    A few months ago, I set a goal to become a full-time freelancer. There are a few reasons I chose this date: My goal is to be so confident in my abilities as a business owner, that I don’t feel the need to look for a 9-5 job the second I get back to the States….

  • How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    When I decided to become a full-time freelancer, I knew I had to be prepared for the unexpected. I knew I needed an emergency fund. I knew I would have a variable income. I knew it would be challenging but exhilarating all at the same time. Life is always throwing us curveballs and we have to…

  • How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    When I was just starting out as a freelancer I was actively looking for new writing and VA jobs to add to my portfolio. I sought out and read lots of blog posts and articles with tips about how and where to get new jobs. Most of what I read suggested using job boards, like…

  • How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    One of the most difficult aspects of starting your own business is figuring out pricing — heck this is even tough when you’re an established solopreneur looking to increase your rates. You want to get paid, but you also need some experience under your belt, so you may be willing to charge less than you…

  • 7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    Since I started freelancing on the side of my day job in the summer of 2017, I’ve been on a mission to educate newbie freelancers about how to stop using job boards as a means for building their client-based businesses. When you’re just starting out, or looking for more clients, it can be tempting to…

  • How to Deal With a Business That No Longer Inspires You

    How to Deal With a Business That No Longer Inspires You

    The beginning of 2020 was off to a rough start. Like many business owners, I was coming off the holidays and spending all my time trying to catch up on work that had fallen behind during the break. But as the months went on (and with the help of my coach), I discovered I was…