
Where inspiration meets imagination.

Author: Carrie

  • How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    How to Survive When the Freelancing Life Throws You Curveballs

    When I decided to become a full-time freelancer, I knew I had to be prepared for the unexpected. I knew I needed an emergency fund. I knew I would have a variable income. I knew it would be challenging but exhilarating all at the same time. Life is always throwing us curveballs and we have to…

  • How to Juggle Debt, Work and Family: Tips from a Mompreneur

    How to Juggle Debt, Work and Family: Tips from a Mompreneur

    Are you struggling with debt? Are you trying to balance your work, family and being a mompreneur? To help you find those answers I’m sharing my story, along with the tips and tricks I’ve learned to juggle debt, work and family. After college, I got my first G.O.O.D. (Get Out Of Debt) job with a…

  • How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

    When I was just starting out as a freelancer I was actively looking for new writing and VA jobs to add to my portfolio. I sought out and read lots of blog posts and articles with tips about how and where to get new jobs. Most of what I read suggested using job boards, like…

  • How to Earn Five Figures a Year and Make Money Writing

    How to Earn Five Figures a Year and Make Money Writing

    Make money writing seems to be an all-too-common promise these days. But not all freelancers are writers, and not all small business owners are bloggers. Still, there’s no doubt that things like, building a blog and writing updates on social media, lead to more traffic and more sales. Whether you’re trying to build a client-based business,…

  • How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    How to Price Client Work and Charge What You’re Worth

    One of the most difficult aspects of starting your own business is figuring out pricing — heck this is even tough when you’re an established solopreneur looking to increase your rates. You want to get paid, but you also need some experience under your belt, so you may be willing to charge less than you…

  • 7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    7 Best Alternatives to Traditional Freelance Job Boards

    Since I started freelancing on the side of my day job in the summer of 2017, I’ve been on a mission to educate newbie freelancers about how to stop using job boards as a means for building their client-based businesses. When you’re just starting out, or looking for more clients, it can be tempting to…

  • How to Deal With a Business That No Longer Inspires You

    How to Deal With a Business That No Longer Inspires You

    The beginning of 2020 was off to a rough start. Like many business owners, I was coming off the holidays and spending all my time trying to catch up on work that had fallen behind during the break. But as the months went on (and with the help of my coach), I discovered I was…